Episode 19

Gossip Girl Season 1 Recap


In this episode, Leif and Steve discuss their overall thoughts on Season 1 of Gossip Girl. They talk about the potential alternative ways to break up Dan and Serena without the involvement of Georgina Sparks. They also discuss the chemistry between Chuck and Blair, the standout performances of Leighton Meester and Taylor Momsen, and the best and worst episodes of the season. They share their predictions for Season 2 and express their excitement for the upcoming episodes.


Gossip Girl, season one, review, reflections, favorite episodes, best-dressed, music moments, predictions


  • Season 1 of Gossip Girl was well-plotted and could have worked as a standalone mini-series.
  • The chemistry between Chuck and Blair was a standout aspect of the season.
  • Leighton Meester and Taylor Momsen delivered standout performances as Blair and Jenny, respectively.
  • The best episodes of the season were 'Thin Line Between Chuck and Nate', 'Victor Victrola', and 'Blair Waldorf Must Pie'.
  • The worst episodes of the season were 'Desperately Seeking Serena' and 'Woman on the Verge'.
  • Predictions for Season 2 include the eventual hookups of all the main characters and the potential breakup of Dan and Vanessa.
  • The music moments in Season 1 were well-curated and added to the overall atmosphere of the show.
  • Season 2 is highly anticipated, and more guests are expected to appear on the podcast.

Sound Bites

  • "They're all going to fuck eventually."
  • "Blair is always photo ready."
  • "Blair is the best dressed throughout the entire first season."


00:00 Introduction

02:50 Reflecting on Season 1 of Gossip Girl

10:04 The Chemistry Between Chuck and Blair

14:57 Standout Performances by Leighton Meester and Taylor Momsen

18:09 The Best and Worst Episodes of Season 1

26:13 Predictions for Season 2

31:48 The Impact of Music in Season 1

37:52 Excitement for Season 2 and Future Guests

Produced by Leif Capicola and Steve Marchion. 

Edited and mixed by Leif Capicola.

The Gossip Girl Theme Performed By Steve Marchion.


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Hey Upper East Side -ers and all you scandal -loving listeners out there, you just tuned in to the Non -Judging Breakfast Pod, where the coffee is strong, the waffles are fresh, and the gossip is hotter than ever. My name is Leif, and I'm your seasoned Gossip Girl veteran. And I'm Steve, the newbie, exploring the glitz and glam of the Upper East Side for the very first time. I'm the Greenhorn, the new kid on the block, the... I don't know, Leif, what do you call the newbie in Gossip Girl terms?

ashion choices of this iconic:

That's right. We're going to be taking a deep dive into the show, looking at all the obscure references, parallels, and of course, the guitar catastrophes. We're also going to be looking at some of the behind the scenes gossip and some stories from fandom. And since we're all about inclusivity here at the non -judging breakfast pod, there is always room for you at the non -judging breakfast table. So go ahead and grab a mimosa, a cup of coffee

Summon Nate and Chuck special medicine if it's that kind of morning and let's get into this. Steve, we are one season into Gossip Girl. Yeah, we the season one is complete. That's I mean, that's kind of big, not only for for, you know, us, it's also kind of, you know, it's a podcasting milestone.

Yeah. No, a lot of, a lot of podcasts still make it past their first 10 episodes. And here we are at 18, 19 with this. So this will be our 19th episode and it was a fun ride and I'm you guys joined us for the ride and hope you continue listening all the way through six seasons. Yeah. It's yeah, it has been a lot of fun so far. So Steve, what are your overall thoughts on season

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Season one was a fun show. I've mentioned a couple of times that I feel almost like if they decided to say this was it period on the end of the sentence, that this was a very nicely wrapped, tightly done season. And that could have been a mini series. Yeah. I would have up until the flash forward. Yeah. I would have completely cut.

Georgina sparks out of it. If I was doing that mini series or at least, you know, done that better. if you're going to cut Georgina, what, what Beth, we talked about this a little bit. predicted before, but now that you, we were here, how would you have broken up Dan and Serena a different way? If there was no Georgina. Yeah. Well, I mean, for one, there are, I feel like there are other ways to break Dan's trust. Right.

And maybe if it was Georgina, I feel like the way it was done just wasn't really always believable. She didn't make me really believe what was happening during a lot of the - Yeah. Yeah. That is an issue, but I mean - And I do think that something like a Nathan Serena thing could have happened.

A Serena and Chuck thing could have happened, but that... I would just really... that would... In season one, anyway, that would just really bother me. Yeah. I did... I don't remember if we said this on camera or off camera about my major prediction going forward, which... you know... I know we're gonna talk about these things more later, but the number one prediction I have is that they're all going to fuck eventually.

that everybody is going to eventually. That's my main prediction. But I'm glad that there was nothing like that. There was no romance with Serena or Chuck at all. We stuck to the core couples for the first season at least. And overall, it was a very well -plotted show from this first episode to the last episode. It was definitely an OC light. Yeah. at the end of

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It looks like they're going to reset everything and where's it going to go from here? Yeah. And I also really like that because it kind of took a lot of the pressure off the in off of watching the next season, just knowing like, well, the, main couple we've been following is now done. That kind of takes a little pressure off your, because I'm not rooting for that couple anymore.

Maybe I will again later, but I'm not now cause they're done. the way to see like it made it seem like Chuck and Blair are going to replace them. And then they just broke them up right away, which is weird. Yeah. I, I, I thought that was weird too. although I still feel like Chuck and Blair aren't done. I can't imagine that that is done by any means. I am like,

Serena and Nate. Speaking of Chuck and Blair, we'll move on to the chemistry. Yeah. yeah. And late in that fantastic chemistry all first season. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. And not just in their flirtiness, but just the way that they can. Bant her back and forth. Yeah. The way that they could just match each other's energy at all times.

and just when it was Blair and Nate, Nate was like, yeah, I'm going to go smoke some weed now. Yeah. Yeah. I really, I don't think that, I don't think that Chase Crawford was a bad actor in this. I don't think that Chase Crawford was given much to go on. You know, I feel like his character just wasn't a good match for, for Blair either. No, no, it was just that power couple thing and, and that ever

You know, they both all about status. Exactly. And now there's no status behind the Archibald name anymore. And, there's also, you know, mixed status of being with Blair Waldorf right now. She's earning her place back at the top, but she had that wobbly point there for, for a few episodes.

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What about acting? Who stood out for you acting wise? Well, Leeton Meester was spectacular. She always owned the scene. And kudos also to the costuming and makeup that they gave her, because they always, her makeup was always perfect. Her makeup was always, I think about that one scene where she's kind of lost everything and she's just pale and sad.

And in line between in episode 13. Yeah. Yeah. Where she just walking through the park and just like. Slow motion. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And it just captures. And so it just really captured everything her face did. And she could do so much with just her face, you know, the other the other standout was was Taylor Mums. Taylor Mums and Zach being was.

Even when everyone in the scene would kind of be choking, I think specifically to the Dan finding the letter that breaks up Allison and Rufus where... Yeah, yeah, the letter from Alex. And I feel like there was a lot of really clunky writing and acting in that scene. And the tailor just in the background, no lines.

nothing but just being present and reacting, reacting. Yeah. Reacting to everything. Which, you know, that's like the number one rule of acting is react. But so those two really stood out for the adults. I have to go with with Kelly Rutherford. Yes. Kelly Rutherford. I love pretty much every scene she was in. I always felt

She owned that character and owned the scenes that she was in. Even, even when her writing was shaky, which there were many times that Lily's writing was really shaky. was all on the list. Yeah. But she kept the character consistent in through that, through those writing errors. Yeah. I would agree with those three on the adult side. would act. I'll also add Margaret Collins who played Eleanor Waldorf.

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that was definitely a good recasting from the pilot. Yeah. She, she had a, she had a lot of heavy lifting to do. Yeah. Like there's, there's some serious stuff, having a daughter that's struggling with body dysmorphia that you're causing, you know, having, I'm looking forward to seeing that relationship develop more too, between Blair and Eleanor. Yeah. cause yeah, they, definitely act well together. I mean, we, we're late and works

Well, with everyone pretty much. Yeah. From the kid's side, I will also add Penn when he's getting something good to work with, he gets lazy at times. Yeah. When he's, when he's not interested, you could tell when he's being lazy, but when he, when he's interested, he's definitely just as good. It's not better than the other two kids. Well, and, and, and my, my, a lot of what I feel with Penn, not only Penn, but also with Blake and, and with Ed is

The three of them have moments of greatness throughout this, but they also all have moments of I'm just going with what was written for me. Like you said, when they, when it gets lazy, I think it is fairly limited. He's good at like the one -liners and the quippiness, I just can't, he's not really acting. Right. And he's good at like the seething. Yeah. hurting, you know, bad boy. Yeah.

Yeah. He's not really doing much emoting other than that. Yeah. Yeah. But I mean, he plays the character. Well, yeah. Yeah. But, yeah, I haven't really seen much emoting yet. I'm like the other one of the other three. Yeah. I, I, I agree with that. Well, anything else you would add before you move over to the grades? The my, I, I do want to bring up, which we've talked about off screen a bit that

I have a discrepancy with the Lincoln Hawk timeline that I, way that these songs are written, if he was one of the most forgotten bands of the nineties and he's following into this style of what I what I relate to the mid to late nineties, the acoustic guitar paired with an electric guitar with the build in the chorus.

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to the lower hand and also having like a lower bridge, having a roof, not refrain, versus having little versus come down, but also pulling the pulling, hitting the brakes a bit and pulling back on the bridge. All of these things really put that band in with like counting blue cars by I can't think of their name off the top of my head. But the adding grows. What?

counting crows? No, it wasn't counting crows, but I still but I also put it into that category. Well, like August and everything after came out in like 93, I think. Which well, we're right before we recorded, I think we now that he was on tour and he had those big hits after Dan was born. Yeah. Which that was the real big thing is that I really feel like those songs, whether they were written before.

e Dan would have been born in:

We know that every day, every time sounds like it's about Lily. And there's also the chance that these songs were written in the late eighties, but when a producer heard them in the mid nineties was like, this is how this song, I get the impression that Alison was home on tour and Rufus was on tour with Lily. get that impression too. That was always my thought. And it's like, Hey babe, I'm writing songs about you while I'm on the road.

They're definitely about you, Allison. Sure said a lot. Yeah. Because you have a perfume that's also a kind of Babe. All right, well, let's go ahead and move on to the episode ranking by grade. OK, I'm very curious about this. Any.

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guesses on best worst episodes? I'm thinking that the best would might be thin line between Chuck and Nate. I think we both gave that an A. I would think the worst is maybe the that Georgina Sparks one. Maybe the one we did with Shannon, the number 17. think it was either 16 or 17 that I think we both gave

I know Georgina Sparks has to have the lowest grade. I don't think it was she actually in this episode. I don't think she was an 18th place. One with a 1 .83 GPA episode 15 desperately seeking Serena. Oh, that was the SAT

That's the SAT episode. was the one right before. No, that's Georgina. That's where she messes up the SATs for Serena. Yeah, but she's doesn't actually show up. She's I think she's that's no, that's the first one with her because she's out already and with her and drugs her. Yeah. Uh, the next episode with a 2 .67, a bit of a jump up there all about my brother. Yeah.

Which again was in the Georgina Sparks era. That's the very next episode. Yeah, and then this was kind of surprising to me in 16th place the handmaiden's tale for the 2 .83 Huh, you know, I guess that kind of makes sense because I feel like that was a dip during a really good Period for the show. Yeah That's not the the ball the masquerade is it? Yes, it is.

Right, right. Where nobody can tell who anybody is because they're wearing masks. Yeah. Yes. Great masks. We'll see if that guy comes back again. Oh, I doubt it. Never. I couldn't imagine them reusing old material like that. Like they did for the entire first season of show. In 15th with a 2 .89 GPA.

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Woman on the verge episode 17. That was the episode of Shannon. That's the episode with Shannon. That's the one where Georgina. Yep. We're yeah. Well, that's where we find out, you know, that's the sex tape that you're blaming Serena for. Yes. I, can't. Yeah. The invasion of privacy. How dare your privacy be invade been being invaded. You pass someone is their own drugs. Yeah. Uh, yeah. You wanted nothing to do

We get a tie for 13th place, both with a 3 .0 episode for bad news Blair and episode 18 much I do about nothing. Yeah. So it was the fashion shoot episode and of course the finale. Yeah. Yeah. Which both I've landed pretty solid B ranking from us. Yeah. Yeah. Then in a tied for 11th place, we get two episodes with a

Episode 11 Roman Holiday and Episode 14 Blair Bitch Project. Yeah, yeah, both. Both, you know, on that higher end. Yeah. Good episodes. In ninth place, we got another tie, two -way tie with 3 .33 GPA, Episode 5 Daredevil and Episode 8 17 Candles.

Yeah, good. Yeah, moving up here and then tied to a tie for seventh place with 3 .5 GPA. We got the pilot episode and episode 12 school lies. The pull ups this, yeah, the swimming pool and yeah, nobody says anything. And then a two way tie for fifth place. got

with a 3 .67 GPA, the wild brunch and a thin line between Chuck and Nate. Yeah. Decent episodes. And we're moving up here to the A range, tied for second, the three -way tie for second. We have with all of the 4 .0, Victor Vitrola. Yeah, love that one. Blair Waldorf Muspie and High Society. Yeah. Yep.

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Yeah, the CC episode. Yeah, that one. Yeah, those those are so good. So that only leaves first place. Any any thoughts, any guesses? You know what? I wish I was paying more attention this whole time because now I don't remember what you haven't said yet. four point one seven GPA four point one seven to be that good. Is it the Christmas episode?

That we already said that. yeah. That's Roman holiday. Yeah. It is Poison Ivy. of course. Of course. Yeah. I, yep. The college episode, episode three. I love that. I had so much fun with that one. And then let's see what we got. We'll do next here. got stock watch or best outfit. let's do stock watch. Okay.

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Any guesses on a worst invest? As far as parents go, I'm assuming the archibalds are in the trash. And I would assume Lily is on the higher end because she's had some great redemption stuff. As far as the kids go, Chuck has got to be in the bottom. Blair's probably kind of close to the bottom. And I would think Dan would Dan and Jenny would probably be near the top.

I feel like Jenny has often been, she's gone down a couple of times, but I feel like she's usually on the up trajectory. Yeah. It's fairly accurate. So the season started out Dan and Serena very hot at the last few upsets. They both were tanking. Yeah. But yeah, you're right on, right at the bottom of 27th and 26th place. We have, the captain at minus nine and Ann at minus eight. Yup.

And then next up at 25, she was only on. Yeah. For how little episode she was in, Allison at minus seven. Oh, no, no one liked Allison. Allison was terrible. Yes. And then we have Rufus at minus three. Oh, wow. That.

That is actually a little surprising because your roof has had a lot of up moments. But, soon at the beginning of the season, but soon he started trying to pay para Jenny. started tanking. yeah. He, was, it was parenting. Jenny was taking art and also the entire. Brit backs that entire episode. That's I can't. That's the minus five on its own. Yeah. Yeah. And then also only in one episode.

CC at minus two. Yup. CC sought.

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And then we got a pretty big tie of 14th. We have, let's see, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine people at minus one. And they are Chuck, Eleanor, the Ostrov Center, Carter, Alex, the Hudson neighbor, Miss Queller, the headmistress, Bex, Asher.

And Lisa Lowe. she was the opening act. She catches a stray. Lisa Lowe catches a stray. Sorry, Lisa. I love you. And then somehow Georgina ending the season at a net zero. Georgina.

Wow, yeah, because she did have those times where her stock was winning. Yeah, she was winning a lot of there early on. Yeah, like she was terrible. She was terrible, but she was winning. Yeah. Terrible. And then tie for a 10th place. We got the couple, the couple of the show, Harold and Ramona at one and also the minions at also a 10th place there. Okay. Okay. At plus

Feel like I feel like they deserve maybe a little more love throughout the season here and there. Yeah They should have a little more on the best outfits. Thanks to you mostly.

And then we got at ninth place Blair plus two Yeah, that tracks it would be low, but she's had her gains She ends in the positive that and and when and and when she because when she gains she really gains.

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And then our favorite bass Bart with a plus three. Yep. That, that also makes sense. Bart has, you know, not really been a bad dude. He's definitely been winning on this. Yeah. He got married. Yeah. He got

And then, did he let the building go and he, or sorry, tied for six place the two Vanderwits and women, Sarita and Lily plus six. Okay. Yeah. And I'm glad to see the Lily ended up in the positive like that too, because she did, you know, she started off, she started off really rough, but

You know, had some really great redemption arcs with her parenting this whole season. Yeah. And then we got somehow this is this is going to be controversial in a in fifth place. The least our least favorite for good night with plus seven Vanessa Vanessa has plus seven. I don't know. I do. It's you know who I blame. Georgina fucking sparks. Yeah.

It's Georgina's fucking fault that Vanessa ever looked good. God damn it, Michelle. Then we got tied for third place at West eight. Dan and Nate. Okay. Yep. Now I expected them both to be high. Nate has, you know, gone down a couple of times, but for the most part, Nate is.

Either doing nothing or doing a good guy Nate shit. So like he tends to be like going up or just staying neutral. So it looks like the two freshmen are head of the class. One's first and one second. Jenny and Eric, which one do you think's first? Which one you think is second? I think Eric's going to be first because I don't think Eric has ever gone down at all. And I know Jenny has had a couple down episodes.

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I'm gonna say Eric is number one. I'm gonna say so number two is plus nine, number one is plus 12. Oh, I'm gonna flip it. Only because the number of episodes Eric was on compared to Jenny. So I'm gonna say Jenny's our number one. That is correct. Jenny is first and Eric is second with plus nine. So Jenny with plus 12 at end of first season. Wow. Now, when we go into season two, do we keep track?

on two charts of just season two and then an overall. Yeah. I think that was pretty easy to do that. Yeah, I figured.

Yeah. Probably do it on the same spreadsheet. I mean, it's just, it's just take the sum of one and add it to the sum of the other one. And yeah, the, you know, overall, yeah. Just adding two numbers together. Yeah, Pretty easy math guy, It's very well established. All right. So it's time for some fashion folks. All

Here's the best outfits from the last episode we've seen. Last episodes of Season 1. So who do you think was the best dressed?

I mean, Blair overall, whether whether or not we gave her the love she deserved on a whole because of all of our honorable mentions and all those sorts of things, Blair Blair is just the best dress throughout the entire first season. know she didn't always win our best dress because some there are a lot of times there's something else that was on that may have outshine. But as a whole, I would say Blair probably takes

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Okay. Definitely a fair assumption. So there's only one main cast member who got zero. And that'd be Rufus. I did like the shirt, Rufus. I did like the snap up roses shirt. And I liked the one with the roses and I liked the snap up shirt. Like both Rufus. Yeah. The roses was really bad. I loved it. That was about like 50 years too late. Loved it. I would wear that shirts today. Uh.

a 13th place with half a point is 13th place half a point Yeah, cuz you gave one to Cotty and his so I split it. I gave him each an appointment. Okay, Then we get a pretty decent tie away see one two, three, four five six way tie for seventh place all with one point Dan

Vanessa, Ramon, Georgina, and

Laurel was the, was Eleanor his assistant? Yeah, yeah, in the... Episode four. Yeah. In sixth place, Cotty with one and a half points. All right, all right. In fifth place, we got Jenny with three points. Okay. Fourth place, we got Lily with five points. Yeah, Lily knows how to dress. And then the top three are Serena, Chuck, and Blair.

Are they all tied? No. So I'm I'm. I'm going to stick with Blair. Then I'm going to say. Chuck, then Serena.

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Serena and Shucker actually tied for second with six points each and you are correct. Blair has nine points. Yeah. Blair is just always, well, like she always looks good. Every outfit she wears is meticulous. And I feel like that's a very much a character thing that Blair goes to bed wearing pajamas that look good. That Blair is always photo ready.

You know that that is a character trait of hers and Serena looks nice when she needs to Yeah, you know and not that Serena doesn't dress and with you know style and then now that she's not dressing in her way, but it's not the Fashion that always pops and I don't think that Serena's character that Serena's character Where's the nice stuff? When she's getting dressed up

And probably is wearing, you know, $14 ,000 jeans when she's walking around in jeans with, you know, a, you know, $4 ,000 T shirt over it. Serena has nice clothes and she definitely has a style, but Blair dresses for the occasion. Her outfits have a purpose. And, and, and for Blair, that occasion can be waking up. Yeah. Like that or going to bed or taking out the

The trash, right? Not that Blair has ever taken out trash a day in her life. Steve, any favorite music moments? I mean, obviously I absolutely squealed when I finally got to hear Lincoln Hawk play and, and that same episode, Lisa Loeb, the whole shut up, Michelle. want to hear Lisa Loeb perform.

But you know that episode in general, but just great use of their soundtrack. The opening shot with Serena. Yeah. And episode one. All the young folks. Yeah. All the young folks. And, and, um, sub 41 in episode seven in limo. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, I was also thinking of the EDEM, EMF, EDEMFDM.

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The acronym or is it MGMT? Yeah. Time to pretend. You that song? forget. The finale? Yes. Yeah. Yeah. That's the one I'm thinking of. Yeah. With, with, they're setting up the wedding. Yeah. As GMT time to pretend. Yeah. You know, just a great use of that song. It definitely places you in the time period. Exactly. And also when they, when they played, at Westwick's

I thought that was really cool that they incorporated that into the, into the show and that they did that for a cast member. Like, Hey, yeah, let me play your music on here too. But all in all, I just, felt like they were really good at keeping the music as, as hip as the clothing and, as up to date and as, as much a piece of the

culture as every other aspect of this show. Yeah. I also liked the quasi Lincoln Hawks song they played for Dan and Serena's first kiss. Yeah. The one that ended up being by a Philadelphia local, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That song also that took us out of that one episode. That once again, he's listening to that thinking about Lily.

So like that album was clearly about Lily.

So any thoughts on season two? Any predictions? They're all going to fuck. mean, that's my number one prediction. Is it like anything specific for season two? Well, I I'm really, really hoping that this Dan and Vanessa thing doesn't doesn't take up too much of the season. I know it's got to happen, but I'm hoping that someone can break them up because I want Dan. I want Dan in the Upper East Side.

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I don't want him in Brooklyn for a season. and, and which, go ahead. No, agree. Cause that would split up the show. And the alternative to me is even worse is that it doesn't split up the show and Vanessa and Dan are showing up to these parties where there's absolutely no fucking reason for them either to be there. Yeah. I, in my

In my everybody's going to fuck theory, I really hope that Vanessa and Dan come to an end because of Blair. That's that's my hope. And I also asked like they hook up or because the letters just doesn't like them together. I because Blair doesn't like them together and so then they hook up.

That I don't know. I think maybe a revenge thing on Vanessa for something that she hasn't done yet or that she doesn't know that she has already done. I don't think Blair needs much of a reason to fuck with someone. Do you see Vanessa hooking up with anyone else besides Dan? I don't know, because like I don't see her. I mean, like. Yeah, I mean, eventually Chuck.

Eventually it's going to happen. Eventually she's going to lose her moral high ground and she's going to sleep with Chuck. I would like to see Nate and Jenny play out, especially now that Jenny is, you know, going to turn 16 this year. It's not quite as disgusting off camera. It's still really gross off camera. Um, but I really liked that. I think she's only turning 15. What?

She turned 15 this season. Right. So the right. So her birthday in the next season, she turned 16, I think. I she was 13 at the start. Oh, is she? I thought she was 14. OK, you could be right. Well. Because I was thinking ninth grade is usually 14 to 15. It is not always, though, but usually, especially if your birthday is that late in the school year. Oh, yeah, I think she's actually younger than the character.

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Yeah. Yeah,

Yeah, the age difference is gross there. It's story wise. What about Chuck? What's Chuck's next

I mean, Chuck is going to keep pretending that he's not in love with Blair and he's going to, you know, do his wild summer, doing whatever, and then come back and realize that he wants Blair back. But Blair's probably onto something better. He's probably onto that flight guy who, you know, I'll flip you for the jump seat. didn't, we didn't even talk about how sexual that sounded in the first, when we did the episode last week.

But yeah, I'm assuming and I think Chuck is going to continue to be gross. But I think he's always going to have this thing for Blair. I also think he's going to, like I said, something with him and Vanessa, something with him and Serena eventually, I think will. Maybe work its way in. I'm wondering if we're going to see old Serena more.

That if now the dance not keeping her grounded, if we're going to see her go back to her old party ways. what about Nate? Anything for Nate next to there? just gonna sit around and bird some more. well, I'm, I'm hoping that Nate, get some kind of a little more closure with his family. I w I don't know. I'm assuming his dad jumped that plane that he was going to and got out of

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But, and, and, know, I think that the Nate Serena thing could be nice for a little bit. think that that's two people that really kind of deserve each other in certain ways. Like they do definitely make sense. They make a lot of sense. They're, they're, they're both the royalty in there. Both these, you know, the, American royalty, like these couples tend to be. And they're both good people trying to be

You know, I, I, and I, yeah, I think that they do make a lot of sense. I'm assuming we're going to get some new characters popping in here and there or old ones popping into things up. mean, we get, we're definitely plenty of side, side characters, but I don't think there's any new main cast in season two. I'm thinking of the level of like Carter, Carter and Georgina that

going to pop in for an episode here and there or a small arc. and maybe not, maybe it's just those two coming back in for a little while anyway, cause I know one of them gets fired. I know, I know Carter gets fired. They'll come back at some point. Yeah. He's not dead yet. Any additional thoughts? Anything else you want to add? Not that I can really think of right now. I mean, I think that

Excited for season two. Robin is really mad I'm not gonna be home tonight because she's dying to get into season two. And yeah, I am predicting we're gonna have more guests on our show next season. should be fun. Yeah, we have a few people lined up and so we're gonna try to do that. Anything you wanna plug? At this point, I don't think I have much other than check out my

Steve dot Marshawn at Instagram or Tik Tok, -A -R -C -H -I -O -N. And can also find me on Facebook or anything like that. Come find me, listen to my music and see the other stuff I'm posting. You can follow me on Instagram at hat capicola on Twitter, Leet SS or on threads at hat capicola. You can follow the podcast on Instagram, Tik Tok or threads at nonjudging.

Non Judging Breakfast Pod (:

non -judging breakfast pod and on twitter at njbpod. And if you want to take a seat at the non -judging breakfast pod table, you can just join us on Facebook by searching for non -judging breakfast pod. Yeah. And if you have any questions for us or comments, or just want to contribute to the conversation, please feel free to send us an email at nonjudgingbreakfastpod at gmail .com.

And we'd love to hear your thoughts and read what you have to say here on the podcast. and also please make sure to like, follow, subscribe, and share the links and more than anything else, please tell a friend that you're listening to us and get them into the non -judging breakfast pod and, get more, more people sitting at our table. Rate, review, subscribe.

And in two weeks we will be talking about season two, episode one, Summer Kind of Wonderful. The max episode preview reads, Gossip Girl heads to the Hamptons, talked about White Party. Exciting. Yeah, I'm definitely excited. I do completely read know the reference and I am excited to start season two. Until next time, you know you love us. Xoxo.

Take care.

My heart's still resting, looking for something more.

Non Judging Breakfast Pod (:

I see everything you mean to me I'm trying really hard to believe Every time you walk away or run away You take a piece of me with you there Every time you walk away or run away You take a piece of me with you there Every time you walk away or run away You take a piece of me with you there Never feels right when I'm out here,

Non Judging Breakfast Pod (:

Left last night and it feels like way too long

Non Judging Breakfast Pod (:

See everything you mean to me I'm trying really hard to believe Every time you walk away or run away You take a piece me with you there Every time you walk away or run away You take a piece of me with you there Every time you walk away or run away You take a piece of me with you there Come back to me

Smile and you'll make my life complete Every time you walk away or run away you take a piece of me with you there Every time you walk away or run away you take a piece of me with you there Every time you walk away or run away you take a piece of me with you there

Every time you walk away or run away you take a piece of me with you there.

Every time you walk away or run away you take a piece of me with you there.